Monday, December 22, 2008

December 22 and it is still snowing!

Looking at the Olson's shed from our side deck.The deck chairs on the side deck

View of deck and chairs from back kitchen door.

Back deck swing , etc.
We woke up to 4 more inches overnight. It has been snowing all morning and only 10:30 and it is still coming down. The lights are flickering, so I hope we don't lose power, but we are toasty warm with our wood stove!! I have a few more shots to add, mainly for my kids. So far, we have broken a 40 year record of snowfall in Portland, but it may break more records. This is like Utah!!!!


Jessica said...

what is that blue thing?

Grannie said...

That is a blue tarp covering some firewood!! Yes, it is unbelievable what we have and what is still predicted!